2025 Show Categories

  1. Koi will be benched into the following categories:

2. Sizes – There will be eight size classes as follows:

  • Size 1 = 10.0 cm to 19.9 cm (7.8”)
  • Size 2 = 20.0 cm to 29.9 cm (11.8”)
  • Size 3 = 30 cm to 39.9 cm (15.7”)
  • Size 4 = 40 cm to 49.9 cm (19.6”)
  • Size 5 = 50.0 cm to 59.9 cm (23.6”)
  • Size 6 = 60.0 cm to 69.9 cm (27.5”)
  • Size 7 = 70.0 cm to 79.9 cm (31.4”)
  • Size 8 = 80.0 cm and above (31.5”+)

NOTE: Koi under 10.0 cm will not be judged

3. This show has NO Doitsu category. Doitsu koi are benched according to the category of their scaled counterparts, e.g. doitsu showa benched as showa

4. Long Fin will be judged only in the Long Fin category and are NOT eligible for any other awards including Novice

5. Entrants in hobbyist show tanks will be eligible for the following Major Awards, ranked in order of priority:

6. Best in Size awards: Koi in Groups A and B that do not win a Major award above will be eligible for Best in Size awards (one award for each size).

7. The Judges Award will be the best Tategoi from any size category or group.

8. The Most Unique Award will be awarded from any size category or group.

9. The Novice Award will only be eligible to owners who have not competed in a koi show previously.

10. Please notify one of the show chairs (Steve Zimmerman, Robert Rocha, or Robin Rocha) for any Friendship Awards to be given at our show.