The show will take place on April 25-26 at the Raleigh Elks Lodge number 735, located at 5538 Lead Mine Rd., Raleigh, NC 27612. The hotel for the event will be Embassy Suites by Hilton Raleigh Crabtree, 4700 Creedmoor Road., Raleigh, NC 27612. To reserve a room at the discounted show rate, please use the following URL:
This is a hobbyist-only, English style koi show. Each hobbyist must own the fish being entered in the show and will have his/her own tank(s). Entrants are encouraged to reserve their tanks early as there are a limited number of tanks. See the payment portal at the bottom of this page. ZNA Carolina will maintain water quality for the show, but will insist that the tanks not be overcrowded. ZNA Carolina uses a Fish Point System as a guideline for loading tanks. This is done to maintain water quality throughout the weekend to ensure the safety and health of your koi. ZNA Carolina reserves the right to require additional tanks be used if fish load exceeds these recommendations.
Registrations must be received no later than April 18, 2025 but tanks are offered on a first-come, first-served basis. Pre-registration with payment is recommended in order to guarantee tank availability. Cancellations must be made by March 31, 2025 to receive a refund.
All koi (including Longfin) will be measured from tip of the nose to the end of the tail (caudal fin) for determining the fish points below. The following table must be used to calculate the number of tanks needed.
ZNA Carolina primarily uses 7 foot tanks and strongly recommends a tank load of no more than 32 points per tank. Reservations should be made accordingly. Add your total number of points and divide by 32 to determine the number of tanks you need. ZNA Carolina has several 8-foot tanks available by request for exhibitors with extremely large koi. Please contact the show chair for more information.
All exhibitors must sign that they have read and will abide by the rules above and the indemnification outlined below.
- I declare that I own the koi that I am entering.
- I declare that I am a hobbyist and not a koi dealer (see separate document).
- I declare that I will read and adhere to the show rules.
- I declare that the koi being entered have not been exposed in any way to Koi Herpes Virus (KHV), including inoculation for KHV.
- I agree to indemnify ZNA Carolina from all legal harm. I agree to pay all legal fees, court costs, and damages that may arise from taking any civil action against the club, its members, and its officers, due to or caused as a result of any action or negligence of any party.
- Payment of legal fees, court costs, and damages by registrants shall be made directly to ZNA Carolina. The club shall have the exclusive right to purchase, consign, or enter into any contract for the purpose of establishing a defense, including hiring consultants, experts, and co-council.